i just spent a few too many minutes trying playing with some very fine new software by old OS X friends at Bare Bones Software. It’s called Yojimbo and it pretty much rocks. It can do a lot of fancy things like saving web pages, bookmarks, text, emails, pictures, menus, ideas, foot odors, and even passwords. It’s new and novel and pretty and has a good interface that appears pretty intuitive, to me. (Critical to this last sentence are the words “intuitive, to me.” Intuition should never be a universalized assumption, despite what some usability experts want to think.) Mostly, I really like the floating tab drawer that you can position on your desktop that allows you drag and drop content you want to save directly into/onto the application.
Jojimbo has some good competition out there, including the old but recently very renewed Sticky Brain, which looks a lot like Yojimbo, or should I say, the other way around. And then there’s the sweet, but odd and oddly named Circus PoniesNotebook, which is fey and pretty much allows you to do all of the above as well and a bit more. Lifehacker featured the latter application today, ironically, as Jojimbo came out, like two days ago and Notebook has been around a long time.
As I mentioned before, there’s ol’ DevonThink which I know my old college chum Steven Johnson uses and swears by. He’s in Davos today.
Jojimbo. It has a nice name to it. It’s kind of funny. Say it with me: “Jojimbo.” A search on “Yojimbo” comes up with a entry that has led me to review and re-view the well-named application VoodooPad by Flying Meat. (I really like the drawing of the voodoo’d boy on this page. You can even do some similarly ept drawings in VoodooPad, which is unlike all of the rest.)
These note-taking applications are not to be confused with outlining applications like OmniOutliner, which I quite like, though it’s pricey for a thing that makes lists. Nor are these apps to be confused with Website tracking software like Webstractor nor its little sister (more like “cousin”), Yoink.
I don’t know what the hell is going on. Maybe I need Jojimbo. Or Sticky Brain or Notebook. Then there’s good old Stickies, which come with OS X in both Dashboard and desktop flavors. Or you could just use Notepad, and copy and paste all your shite in there in one huge list and click command-F whenever you wanted to find something. The other possibility is to save all of your stuff on your blog, kind of like I’m doing now.