BROWN I'm really fascinated at

I’m really fascinated at the way in which UPS has appropriated the color Brown now that the color has become “hip” to the masses. I remember for years, brown was like the last color anyone would be caught dead in. I went to Brown and it probably goes without say that the hippest color there was that of no color at all (uh, black). Of course, I should say that UPS and its employees had to suffer through many years of wearing brown uniforms. This is their comeuppance, finally, fatally, happily, I hope. Good luck, UPS.
In honor, or dishonor, of UPS’ new branding campaign, here are some weird Brown links:
Things that are Brown
UPS’ boring press release
On the University’s home page, they contrast what looks like a gang of youths and a lonely student walking in winter. Guess which one I was?

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