September 11, 2001, Memorial — The site lists everyone who was killed in the attacks, along with photos (where available) and biographical info.
As powerful, if not more, than the New York Times’ Portraits of Grief.
All posts by Andrew Boardman
Pro I'm seriously thinking about
I’m seriously thinking about signing up for Blogger Pro. It has many nice features, such as image posting and draft posting, and someday even email posting.
But I also wonder what does one call something that is not “Pro”? Is Blogger now called “Blogger Naif”? Maybe “Blogger Lite”?
The 90’s meaning of the word Professional has always been challenging to me: “He went to professional school.” “He’s a professional.” “Please be professional.” Doesn’t professional really mean “Not Poor and Dumb”?
The REAL Archives For many
The REAL Archives
For many years, has posted links to artists who were once featured. The goal has always been to add these artists’ work and ideas to the site to provide a collection of visual and written objects that, in their totality, add up to so much more, perhaps even a mini-world (if we’re lucky). I called this area, yes, that’s right, “The Archives.”
Well, I’ve just come across (again, but really for the first time) the many projects out there that archive the Web. Please take a look at these. They show what the Web looked like as far back as 5 years ago. It’s truly incredible. You might even want to look at what looked like on April 23, 2000, seemingly eons ago.
The amount of bytes of storage for the first of the two project must be insane. Can you imagine? I cannot. Without further ado:
Internet Archive — every Web site ever recorded for your eyes only, almost.
The September 11 Archive — a record of news, photos, information from that day in history.
I want to make another
I want to make another small plug for an artist who is featured on the site, Ravi Singh.
His site is truly strong. Fast-loading, clear, sharp, and slightly innovative.
Ravi’s site is not unlike that of a colleague of mine, Jake Dobkin.
Jake’s site is not unlike Method Design’s site, which was only “updated” a few months ago. In fact, Method’s site looks like it was designed in 1994.
If anyone wants to help Deckchairs on the Titanic get to its next level with Blogger Pro, a donation of $35.00 would be of great help. I’ll shut up now.
Jewish News A collection of
Jewish News
A collection of miscellaneous Jewish links to news that you might like, with stars attached:
Heeb Magazine (****/5) A new Jewish review for hip young Jewish folk.
Makor (***/5) See above but insert word “organization” instead of “review”
The Forward (*****/5) Very nice site with solid stories and links
The Jewish Week (**/5) Good content if you live in NYC only
The Jerusalem Post (****/5) The most important source for news about Israel
Tikkun Magazine (***/5) The left-leaning, intellectual journal — link points to article on Arafat
New Jew Review (does not exist yet – why, I do not know)
My Horoscope …The atmosphere created
My Horoscope
…The atmosphere created by the position of the planets today is challenging your mental capacities. There is a whole new path waiting for you to explore.
I think it’s at least somewhat interesting that one of Yahoo!’s primary new revenue models is around Horoscopes. The idea is that people are generally very willing to pay premium prices to understand their future and the promise of possibility, good or bad. What is more interesting is that I check my Yahoo! Horoscope almost every day and it rarely, if ever, reports terrible news that is about to happen. Not that I am looking for it, but aren’t oracles supposed to be objective and not sugar-coated?
I don’t get it. Then again, as a Pisces, I’m not supposed to.
[BOX EYE] Very nice site
Very nice site by a colleague of mine, Shannon Roy. Take a look, specifically, at his blue sky photographs taken in Santa Monica. They are a sight for sore eyes on this grainy, gray January day in NYC.
P.S. Today is my daughter’s proposed birth date.
Oh and one more thing.
Oh and one more thing. I have looked everywhere on the Web for an insane advertising campaign by 7UP in which a grown man pulls his pants down and he is quite literally “branded” with the 7UP logo. What is striking about it is that he is a black man who looks shamed and humiliated by the experience and the tag line reads: “MAKE 7UP YOURS.”
Isn’t anyone out there kind of distressed about this? Am I the one who is insane? Hmm. Did political readings of social imagery go away in 1989 when I graduated college? I’ll keep searching for links and post them here. The first one, very hidden deep in 7UP’s corporate site is about the actor in the ads, Godfrey. Another irony.
Sorry, folks. It's been some
Sorry, folks. It’s been some time since I’ve had time to write. Hey, I’m a new father! Give the old man a break.
In fact, it’s been an amazing 10 days or so. I look and feel old. I am alternately astounded and exhausted. Yesterday evening, the baby looked in my eyes straight and the whole thing gave me a case of the fits. I was overwhelmed by the possibility that, for one microsecond, she saw my soul and I hers. It’s still hard to believe she is mine, my flesh and blood; well, not all mine.
One thing I’ve rediscovered: coffee.
Another thing I’ve learned: in all of the books about pregnancy, birth, and preparation for both, no where do they warn you that you’re going to be one sorry mess after the baby arrives ’cause you ain’t sleeping worth a damn. They also don’t tell you that you won’t believe (at least occasionally) that the baby is actually YOURS.
Note: just as I promised not to make this Blog a monologue about September 11 obsessions, you have my word I will not rename this blog Highchairs on the Titanic.
Maeve was born into our
Maeve was born into our world yesterday at 12:35 PM. She weighed (and I’m not sure why this matters that much, but) 6 pounds, 11 and 3/4 ounces and she’s beautiful, if I must say so myself. I will post a link to photos very soon.
I am completely and utterly astounded at the miracle of birth, which undoubtedly, has been going on for a long time. No thing, nothing can compare to watching your child poke their head into the air filled earth as they visit their family for the very first second.