Not a very interesting post for Saturday morning but hey, it is Shabbos. It’s interesting to see what Macromedia is doing with regard to its software strategy by not looking at what they are selling (well, they sold me on Studio MX which I got at for a song and a half (more about this in a later post) but what they have *discontinued* on their site.
Here’s what they don’t want to support or sell any more (and all of these are great tools that I hope Macromedia has enough sense to sell to some suspecting developer sometimes soon).
Fontographer (the one and still the best for font design)
Sitespring (still advertised but not well used any more)
SoundEdit 16 (a terrible name for a great, user-friendly sound editing app)
In all three cases, the company cannot sell additional online services (like content management, new extensions, or even dingbats). Smart but unfortunate. Any buyers for these products out there?
Macromedia – Downloads