It’s the middle of Chanukkah, almost Christmas, and a few days to the New Year. What else to do but celebrate with some links:
The “new” new Zeldman, which I think is kind of disjointed, disfigured even. I don’t know why the tabs exist on the page, why a robotic asian woman is featured on the right side of the page, and I don’t know why there are about 8 different typefaces and type treatments throughout the site.
A blog that I’ve found to be good reading on Canadian real and Web life, which features poor design but great content.
Method’s web site, while no longer cool in its non-graphical graphical interface and stripped-down text-based logic, is still in black and white. When Method first did this a few years ago, I was taken aback. Now, it just seems funny and maybe interesting.
A list of RSS readers, which I may or may not have posted before.
My friend Victoria’s new company called Sweet Yaya that sells luscious-looking sweet things.